Generally, those who are liable to pay corporate income tax are companies or juristic partnerships registered under the Civil and Commercial Code,
including other juristic persons that are not registered under the Civil and Commercial Code. However, there are certain types of juristic persons that the Revenue Code has granted an exemption from income tax as follows:
- Other juristic persons, specifically established under the Thai law such as ministries, bureaus, departments, government organizations or cooperatives.
- Some other types of juristic persons are subject to corporate income tax under the Revenue Code. but are exempt from the provisions of various laws, including:
- Companies or juristic partnerships under the obligations that Thailand enforces, under contracts on economic or technical cooperation between the Thai government and foreign governments.
- Limited companies that are exempt from income tax under the law governing investment promotion.
- Limited companies and juristic persons with the same status as a limited company established under Thai law or other laws. The country is exempt from corporate income tax under the Petroleum Income Tax Act.
- Company or juristic partnership located in a country that has a Convention on the Avoidance of Double Taxation with Thailand according to the conditions set forth in the Convention.
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