Accounting & Legal in Thailand

Sustainability & Social Responsibility: Managing ESG Commitments

Sustainability & Social Responsibility: Managing ESG Commitments

The ideas of sustainability and social responsibility have significantly gained popularity in the business sector in recent years. Businesses are realizing more and more how important it is to include environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into their daily operations and decision-making procedures. 

ISQM 1 Implementation: Accounting Firm's Guide

ISQM 1 Implementation: Accounting Firm's Guide

The accounting industry has seen substantial changes as a result of the International Standard on Quality Management (ISQM) 1's introduction. The operations of all accounting companies must now comply with these new quality management requirements. 

Workplace Wellness: Accounting Aspects Management

Workplace Wellness: Accounting Aspects Management

In recent years, workplace wellness initiatives have attracted a lot of attention as businesses try to create happier and healthier workplaces. These programs cover a range of actions targeted at enhancing workers' physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.